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Tech Tidbits – PASSWORDS

Password breaches and personal data leaks are becoming an all-too-common occurrence. Whether it’s a retailer, healthcare provider, or large enterprise, the threat of stolen information looms over us daily. Cybercriminals, or "bad actors," only need to succeed once, while those defending data must be vigilant at all times. With this constant barrage of breaches, it’s easy to feel powerless—if enterprise companies with vast resources can’t protect our data, how can individuals and small businesses possibly make a difference? The answer lies in simple, strong authentication practices that go beyond just using a password.

Effective authentication is about more than just remembering a password; it involves using something you know (a password), something you have (like a device for receiving a code), or something you are (such as your fingerprint). Many of us are overwhelmed by password fatigue, constantly needing to create, update, and remember different, complex passwords. But there’s a way to create strong, memorable passwords without the hassle. Start by using a sentence that’s meaningful to you, like “W love learning more from The Caldwell Chamber.” Turn this into a password using the first letter and case of each word: WllmfTCC. Add a number for additional strength: WllmfTCC321. Finally, enhance security with something like WllmfTCC#321!

To further protect yourself, never reuse passwords across multiple platforms and consider using a password manager to keep track of all your credentials securely. Password managers, available through a quick internet search, can simplify the process of managing dozens of unique passwords. By pairing strong passwords with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), you can significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to a breach. It might seem like a small step, but it’s a powerful way to protect your personal or business information and contribute to better security practices overall.



Provided by Caldwell Chamber Member: Refocus Technology Information, written by Leslie Cothren, one of our local technology experts.


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